Jennie Lavine
Died 7/31/1919 in Syracuse, NY

The funeral of Mrs. Jennie Lavine who died yesterday at the Crouse Irving Hospital took place at the family home in Jackson St. yesterday afternoon. Burial was made in Jamesville Gate Cemetery.
Syracuse Standard, Aug. 1, 1919.
Her stone reads:
Jennie Lavine:
[center of star, abbreviation] Here is buried,
L1: the woman Tzerna,
L2: daughter of Mr. Avigdor,
L3: died 4[th], L4: of the month of Av,
L5: year 5679,
L6: [abbreviation] May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
Burial Location
Nathan Lavine
Born 1858 in Russia RU
Died 7/31/1919