Born 1858 in Poland PL
Died 6/30/1917 in Syracuse, NY
The Funeral of Mrs. Mary D. Wolfe, widow of Barnet Wolfe, was held privately at the home, No. 416 Jackson St., at 2:00 yesterday afternoon. Burial was in Jamesville Gate Cemetery. Mrs. Wolfe died Sat. afternoon at the Crouse Irving Hospital where she had been a patient two weeks. She had been a resident of this city more than fifty years. Surviving are five sons, Harry, David, Aaron and Joseph Wolfe of this city, and Samuel Wolfe of El Paso, TX, one daughter, Fannie Wolfe; one grandson, Bernard Wolfe; and three brothers, Myer Lipscitz of this city, Lazarus Lipscitz of Buffalo, and Samuel Lipscitz of Hearne, TX.
Post Standard, Mon. July 2, 1917, page 3.