Born 1877 in Syracuse, NY
Died 12/28/1957 in Syracuse, NY
Mrs. Hattie Grody Lefkowitz, 82, of 1419 E. Genesee St., widow of J. Henry Lefkowitz, died yesterday following an illness. She was a native and life resident of Syracuse. Mrs. Lefkowitz was a member of Temple Adath Yeshurun, the Auxiliary of the Jewish Home of the aged; Hadassah; Queen Esther Lodge of Progressive Order of the West; and Samuel Central City Lodge, IOBA. Surviving are two sons, Myron B. Leffert and David J. Leffert; two daughters, Mrs. Jesse J. Hafter and Mrs. Jacob H. Rubenstein; nine grandchildren and two great grandsons, all of Syracuse. Services will be at 1:00 p.m. today at the Birnbaum Funeral Home, 121 Lexington Ave. by Rabbi Irwin I. Hyman. Interment will be in Tzedek Ve-Emeth Cemetery. Friends may call after the funeral the home of her son, Myron Leffert, 233 Genesee Park Drive.
Post Standard, Sun. Sec. 29, 1957, page 23.